Registration Criteria

Every vessel registration is subject to approval by MAR's Technical Commission. MAR considers the vessel’s age and performance as well as the performance of the ISM manager.
Every vessel registration is subject to approval by MAR's Technical Commission. MAR considers the vessel’s age and performance as well as the performance of the ISM manager.
MAR has the following age limitations in place:
Passenger ships and commercial yachts: max. 30 years (incl.)
Oil tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers: max. 20 years (incl.)
Other types of ships: max. 15 years (incl)
The age limits may be extended on a case-by-case evaluation by MAR
MAR accepts the following classification societies:
To propose a vessel to MAR for registration, please provide our team with the following information and documents:
Vessel name (current name and future name if name changes)
IMO number
Classification society
Name of ISM manager
ISM manager IMO ID
Fresh class status report
Information on waivers, exemptions, equivalents by current flag